Home / Aged-Elderly
What is aged/elderly

With the help of activities and a dialogue we connect with senior citizens who are deprived despite of working hard all through out life. They could get recognition desired and their utility in modern mechanised life due to ever changing technological products and gadgets. Its their time of relaxation and recreation and reconnecting with old memories. We help them to unburden their stress and awkward situations and make them feel helpful with their experience skills and wisdom for the younger generation. We create a connecting 2 hr camps at nearby gardens where they meet up for a walk & talk. We teach them yoga meditation small herbal remedies therapies etc which are extremely helpful to them. Encase of old age homes we distribute necessary food cloths medicines and at times things required for their last rites for their last journey.

We have a dream to make old age persons a part of family like it use to be decades ago and making best use of their presence for upcoming generations in terms of skills, wisdom, expertise etc thereby creating symbiotic relationship among generations. This in turn should avoid conflict and help building strong family values and avoiding abandonment at such a stage of life to old age homes. We believe old persons can contribute to huge to country’s economy if given an opportunity, love from their family and effective healthcare system at doorstep. Abandonment of old age beings are huge loss to the country’s economy!!!