We are currently working on aged/elderly old age related issues, abandoned street animals & their welfare etc. We also organise events to grab the public attention towards such an important issue. We are individuals with socially motivated goals and hence we & our organization is totally dedicated towards achieving better quality of life to the deprived human beings who lost their pace this technological diaspora to a few successful ones. We help not just human beings but also street animals who are abandoned and proved useless in the technological age of artificial intelligence. We dream to see the equilibrium of man & nature in its original form as it was few centuries ago. We can change the world with love and peace. No matter from which part of this country they have come but the motto of the organisation is to serve them in their capacity.
I am extremely pleased to introduce SAMUDAAY ATMANIRBHAR FOUNDATION is an Indian non-profit based organization. On behalf of SAMUDAAY ATMANIRBHAR FOUNDATION, I welcome you all to a step forward in achieving a happy society around you and balanced ecology and their smoother mutual coexistence. SAMUDAAY ATMANIRBHAR FOUNDATION was established to address social issues such as education and literacy, women empowerment, health & family welfare, senior citizen related issues, abandoned street animals etc. As a president of SAMUDAAY ATMANIRBHAR FOUNDATION. I strongly believe that it’s our ethical duty and responsibility to pay back to the society where we are flourished and explored endless possibilities whereas few among us left behind and couldn’t make it to the one-time meal a day and their basic survival needs left unfulfilled.We are dedicating ourself for the cause and invite you once again to join us at SAF!!!